# How are you? We will create a basic skill that makes opsdroid respond to the text "how are you". The video tutorial for creating your own skill is also available [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk7JN4e5l_4&index=3&list=PLViQCHlMbEq5nZL6VNrUxu--Of1uCpflq). *If you need help or if you are unsure about something join our* [matrix channel](https://app.element.io/#/room/#opsdroid-general:matrix.org) *and ask away! We are more than happy to help you.* ## The Skill folder Opsdroid skills are located inside a folder with the name `skill-`. Inside this folder you should have at least these files: - `LICENSE` - `README.md` - `__init__.py` You will write all of your python functions in the `__init__.py` file, but you can also include any other helpful files inside your skill folder. ## Building the Skill We are now ready to start writing the 'how are you' skill. We will be using opsdroid regex matcher to write our function. The first thing to do inside our `__init__.py` will be importing the `Skill` class from opsdroid to inherit from. ### Importing the skill class ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill ``` ### Importing Regex Matcher We also need a matcher to use to connect a method of our skill class to a phrase or sentence that the user will say. ```python from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex ``` All the matchers available in opsdroid can be imported from `opsdroid.matchers`. ### Decorators A matcher is meant to be used as a function decorator. The decorator allows opsdroid to understand the function, so we need to use this decorator and use the regex, that we wish opsdroid to react to. ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex class MySkill(Skill): @match_regex('how are you?') ``` The [regex matcher](../skills/matchers/regex.md) takes a regular expression and searches for it on every message sent by a user. So if the user types `how are you?` opsdroid will trigger the function underneath the `match_regex` decorator. _Note: Opsdroid won't trigger with the text `how are you` because the question mark is missing._ #### Functions Skills in opsdroid are just Python methods on a class. As seen before, a decorator and a method together will allow opsdroid to do pretty much everything that you can imagine. Let's write our function, so opsdroid knows what to trigger when a user writes the words `how are you?` ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex class MySkill(Skill): @match_regex('how are you?') async def how_are_you(self, message): pass ``` Opsdroid is built with asyncio. That means every function that you wish opsdroid to react to, should be an asynchronous function. _Note: that every function will take these two parameters: `self`, `message`._ ### Opsdroid Answer So far our opsdroid can match something that a user said and can trigger a skill. But nothing will happen yet, let's make opsdroid answer to the text, with a message of its own. ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex class MySkill(Skill): @match_regex('how are you?') async def how_are_you(self, message): await message.respond('Good thanks! My load average is 0.2, 0.1, 0.1.') ``` Our skill is done and opsdroid will be able to respond like in the [Opsdroid main page](https://opsdroid.github.io). The final thing left to do is to add the skill to the opsdroid configuration file. ### Adding the Skill To Configuration For the sake of simplicity we will assume the following: - The configuration file is located at: `~/.opsdroid/configuration.yaml` - Your skill is located at: `~/documents/skill-howareyou` Open your `configuration.yaml` file and under the skills section, add the name and path of your skill: ```yaml skills: how-are-you: path: /Users/username/documents/skill-howareyou ``` The indentation and the use of spaces instead of tabs is very important. If you have any issues when running opsdroid check both of these things, it might be a problem with space. For more examples of skills you can build with opsdroid checkout our [examples section](../examples/index.md).