# SAP Conversational AI (previously Recast.ai) ## Configuring opsdroid [SAP Conversational AI](https://cai.tools.sap/) is an NLP API for matching strings to [intents](https://cai.tools.sap/docs/concepts/intent). Intents are created on the SAP Conversational AI website. In order to enable SAP Conversational AI skills, you must specify an `token` for your bot in the parsers section of the opsdroid configuration file. You can find this `token` in the settings of your bot. Click on the Tokens tab and use the `'Developer token'` details. You can also set a `min-score` option to tell opsdroid to ignore any matches which score less than a given number between 0 and 1. The default for this is 0 which will match all messages. ```yaml parsers: sapcai: token: 85769fjoso084jd min-score: 0.8 ``` ### Localization If you use opsdroid in a language other than English, this parser will automatically grab the language code that you have set on your configuration. If you want to run this parser in a different language you can overwrite the language configuration by adding the `lang` parameter on this parser configuration. _Note: You need to make sure that your intent has the language that you wish to parse added to it. Click the intent name and choose 'Add Language'._ #### Example ```yaml parsers: sapcai: token: 85769fjoso084jd min-score: 0.8 lang: 'pt' ``` This will make the parser to use the Portuguese language when matching the string to an intent. ## Using the parser with a skill Let's have a look at how you can use this parser and the `match_sapcai` decorator on a skill. The `match_sapcai` decorator takes one parameter (the name of the intent to match), any skill (function or class method) decorated with this matcher, will trigger that skill. ```{autofunction} opsdroid.matchers.match_sapcai ``` (sapexample1)= ### [Example 1] ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_sapcai class MySkill(Skill): @match_sapcai('greetings') async def hello(self, message): """Replies to user when any 'greetings' intent is returned by SAP Conversational AI """ await message.respond("Hello there!") ``` The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of `'greetings'`. ### Example 2 ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_sapcai class MySkill(Skill): @match_sapcai('ask-joke') async def my_skill(self, message): """Returns a joke if asked by the user""" await message.respond('What do you call a bear with no teeth? -- A gummy bear!') ``` The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of `'ask-joke'`. ## Creating a SAP Conversational AI bot You need to [register](https://cai.tools.sap/signup) on SAP Conversational AI and create a bot in order to use SAP Conversational AI with opsdroid. You can find a quick getting started with the SAP Conversational AI guide [here](https://cai.tools.sap/docs/concepts/create-builder-bot). ## Message object additional parameters ### `message.recastai` An http response object which has been returned by the SAP Conversational AI API. This allows you to access any information from the matched intent including other entities, intents, values, etc. ## Example Skill ```python from opsdroid.skill import Skill from opsdroid.matchers import match_sapcai import json class MySkill(Skill): @match_sapcai('ask-feeling') async def dump_response(self, message): print(json.dumps(message.recastai)) ``` ### Return Value on "How are you?" The example skill will print the following on the message "how are you?". ```json { "results": { "uuid": "cab86e23-caaf-4131-9b83-a564887203da", "source": "how are you?", "intents": [ { "slug": "ask-feeling", "confidence": 0.99 } ], "act": "wh-query", "type": "desc:manner", "sentiment": "neutral", "entities": { "pronoun": [ { "person": 2, "number": "singular", "gender": "unknown", "raw": "you", "confidence": 0.99 } ] }, "language": "en", "processing_language": "en", "version": "2.10.1", "timestamp": "2017-11-15T11:50:51.478057+00:00", "status": 200, "message": "Requests rendered with success" } } ```