
A connector for Twitch.


  • A Twitch Account

  • A Twitch App obtained from Twitch developers page

  • The code obtained from the first step of OAuth


    # required
    code: "hfu923hfks02nd2821jfislf" # Code obtained from the first OAuth step
    client-id: "e0asdj48jfkspod0284"
    client-secret: "kdksd0458j93847j"
    channel: theflyingdev # Broadcaster channel
    redirect: http://localhost # Url to be passed to get oath token - defaults to localhost
    forward-url: '' # Either an URL provided by a forwarding service or an exposed ip address
    # optional
    webhook-lease-seconds: 86400 # how long for webhooks to expire
    always-listening: false # Turn on to connect to the chat server even if stream is offline.

Setup Twitch App

You need to create a Twitch App to use the Twitch Connector. Click the + Register Your Application button, give this app a name and a redirect url - using http://localhost is fine. Once created, you can click the Manage button and get your client-id, you can then get a client-secret by pressing the New Secret button (keep this secret safe as it won’t be shown to you again).

Getting OAuth code

Twitch OAuth has two steps, first you need to make a GET request to a specific URL to obtain a code. After you’ve received the code, you need to make a POST request to the same URL and Twitch will send you an access_token and refresh_token.

After a certain period, the access_token will expire and you have to make a new request with your refresh_token to re-authenticate yourself.

NOTE: The Twitch Connector will handle token expiration and re-authentication for you.

Step 1 - Getting Code

To get your code, you need to make a request to with the following parameters:

  • client_id

  • redirect_uri

  • response_type

  • scope

Both the client_id and redirect_uri can be obtained when you click the Manage button on your app. The response_type that we want will be code and we will ask for a lot of scopes. You can check the API Scopes and the IRC Scopes to read more about what we are asking and why.

The Twitch Connector interacts with a wide range of services - IRC server, New API, V5 API - so we need to pass a big number of scopes to make sure everything works as expected.

Example: OAuth URL

You can use this example url to make your request - make sure you add your client_id before making the request. After adding your client id, you can open the url on a browser window, accept the request and Twitch will send you back to your redirect_url. Look at the address bar and you will see that it contains a code=jfsd98hjh8d7da983j this is what you need to add to your opsdroid config.<your client id>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_type=code&scope=channel:read:subscriptions+channel_subscriptions+analytics:read:games+chat:read+chat:edit+viewing_activity_read+channel_feed_read+channel_editor+channel:read:subscriptions+user:read:broadcast+user:edit:broadcast+user:edit:follows+channel:moderate+channel_read


The connector will subscribe to followers alerts, stream status (live/offline) and subscriber alerts, it will also connect to the chat service whenever the stream status notification is triggered and the StreamStarted event is triggered by opsdroid. If you wish you can set the optional config parameter always-listening: True to connect to the chat whenever opsdroid is started.

Events Available

The Twitch Connector contains 10 events that you can use on your custom made skill. Some of these events are triggered automatically whenever an action happens on twitch - for example when a user follows your channel. Others you will have to trigger on a skill - for example, to delete a specific message.

Automatic Events

These events are triggered by opsdroid whenever something happens on twitch.

… py:class:: JoinRoom(user_id=None, user=None, target=None, connector=None, raw_event=None, raw_parses=None, event_id=None, linked_event=None)


Event class to represent a user joining a room.

… py:class:: LeaveRoom(user_id=None, user=None, target=None, connector=None, raw_event=None, raw_parses=None, event_id=None, linked_event=None)


Event class to represent a user leaving a room.

… py:class:: UserFollowed(follower, followed_at, *args, **kwargs)


Event class to trigger when a user follows the streamer.

… py:class:: UserSubscribed(user, message, *args, **kwargs)


Event class that triggers whenever a user subscribes to the channel.

… py:class:: UserGiftedSubscription(gifter_name, gifted_named, *args, **kwargs)


Event class that triggers when a user gifts a subscription to someone.

… py:class:: StreamStarted(title, viewers, started_at, *args, **kwargs)


Event class that triggers when streamer started broadcasting.

… py:class:: StreamEnded(user_id=None, user=None, target=None, connector=None, raw_event=None, raw_parses=None, event_id=None, linked_event=None)


Event class that triggers when streamer stoppped broadcasting.

Manual Events

These events will have to be triggered by you with an opsdroid skill.

… py:class:: UpdateTitle(status, *args, **kwargs)


Event class that updates channel title.

… py:class:: CreateClip(id, *args, **kwargs)


Event class that creates a clip once triggered.

… py:class:: DeleteMessage(user_id=None, user=None, target=None, connector=None, raw_event=None, raw_parses=None, event_id=None, linked_event=None)


Event to represent deleting a message or other event.

… py:class:: BanUser(user_id=None, user=None, target=None, connector=None, raw_event=None, raw_parses=None, event_id=None, linked_event=None)


Event to represent the banning of a user from a room.


You can write your custom skills to interact with the Twitch connector, here are a few examples of what you can do. You can also use the Twitch Skill to interact with the connector.

StreamStarted event

Let’s say that you want to send a message to another connector whenever you go live, you can achieve this by writing that will be triggered when the StreamStarted event is triggered.

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import StreamStarted

class TwitchSkill(Skill):
 """opsdroid skill for Twitch."""
    def __init__(self, opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self.rocketchat_connector = self.opsdroid.get_connector('rocketchat')

    async def stream_started_skill(event):
    """Send message to rocketchat channel."""
        await self.rocketchat_connector.send(Message(f"I'm live on twitch, come see me work on {event.title}"))

UserFollowed event

Some bots will send a thank you message to the chat whenever a user follows your channel. You can do the same with opsdroid by using the UserFollowed event.

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_event
from import UserFollowed

class TwitchSkill(Skill):
 """opsdroid skill for Twitch."""
    def __init__(self, opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self.connector = self.opsdroid.get_connector('twitch')

    async def say_thank_you(event):
    """Send message to rocketchat channel."""
        await self.connector.send(Message(f"Thank you so much for the follow {event.follower}, you are awesome!"))

BanUser event

We have seen how to send messages to the chat, how about we remove a spam message and ban bots from trying to sell you followers, subs and viewers?

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex
from import BanUser, DeleteMessage

class TwitchSkill(Skill):
 """opsdroid skill for Twitch."""
    def __init__(self, opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self.connector = self.opsdroid.get_connector('twitch')

    @match_regex(r'famous\? Buy followers', case_sensitive=False)
    async def goodbye_spam_bot(self, message):
        await self.connector.send(BanUser(user=message.user))
        deletion = DeleteMessage(id=message.event_id)
        await self.connector.send(deletion)

UpdateTitle event

You need to be careful on how you set this skill, you should have a list of users that are allowed to change your broadcast title otherwise it can be abused while you are streaming.

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.constraints import constrain_users
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex
from import UpdateTitle

class TwitchSkill(Skill):
 """opsdroid skill for Twitch."""
    def __init__(self, opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self.connector = self.opsdroid.get_connector('twitch')

    @match_regex(r'\!title (.*)')
    async def change_title(self, message):"Attempt to change title")
        await self.connector.send(UpdateTitle(

You could also add a whitelisted config param to your skill and then read the configuration to check if the user that tried to change the title is in that list.

  - twitch:
      - your_username_on_twitch
      - your_username_on_another_connector
from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.constraints import constrain_users
from opsdroid.matchers import match_regex
from import UpdateTitle

class TwitchSkill(Skill):
 """opsdroid skill for Twitch."""
    def __init__(self, opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(opsdroid, config, *args, **kwargs)
        self.connector = self.opsdroid.get_connector('twitch')

    @match_regex(r'\!title (.*)')
    async def change_title(self, message):
        if message.user in self.config.get('whitelisted', []):
        await self.connector.send(UpdateTitle(


… py:class:: ConnectorTwitch(*args, **kwargs)



A connector for Twitch.

… py:method:: ConnectorTwitch.ban_user(event)




Ban user from the channel.

This event will be used when we need to ban a specific user from the chat channel. Banning a user will also remove all the messages sent by that user, so we don’t need to worry about removing a lot of mensages.

… py:method:: ConnectorTwitch.connect()




Connect to Twitch services.

Within our connect method we do a quick check to see if the file twitch.json exists in the application folder, if this file doesn’t exist we assume that it’s the first time the user is running opsdroid and we do the first request for the oauth token.

If this file exists then we just need to read from the file, get the token in the file and attempt to connect to the websockets and subscribe to the Twitch events webhook.

… py:method:: ConnectorTwitch.connect_websocket()




Connect to the irc chat through websockets.

Our connect method will attempt to make a connection to Twitch through the websockets server. If the connection is made, any sort of failure received from the websocket will be in the form of a NOTICE, unless Twitch closes the websocket connection.

In this method we attempt to connect to the websocket and use the previously saved oauth token to join a twitch channel.

Once we are logged in and on a Twitch channel, we will request access to special features from Twitch.

The commands request is used to allow us to send special commands to the Twitch IRC server.

The tags request is used to receive more information with each message received from twitch. Tags enable us to get metadata such as message ids.

The membership request is used to get notifications when an user enters the chat server (it doesn’t mean that the user is watching the streamer) and also when a user leaves the chat channel.

… py:method:: ConnectorTwitch.create_clip()




Create clip from broadcast.

We send a post request to twitch to create a clip from the broadcast, Twitch will return a response containing a clip id and edit_url . TWitch mentions that the way to check if the clip was created successfully is by making a get request to the clips API enpoint and query by the id obtained from the previous request.

… py:method:: ConnectorTwitch.disconnect()
