# Connectors Connectors are modules which connect opsdroid to an external event source. This could be a chat client such as Slack or Matrix, or another source of events such as webhook endpoints. If an event is triggered by something outside opsdroid it happens in a connector. ```{toctree} :titlesonly: facebook gitlab github gitter mattermost matrix rocketchat shell slack teams telegram twitch webexteams websocket custom ``` ## Using two of the same connector type If you need, you can use two of the same connector by adding the ``module`` parameter in your configuration. For example, if you wish to use two Slack connectors pointing to different workspaces, you can do such with: ```yaml connectors: slack: bot-token: "xoxb-abdcefghi-12345" slack-two: bot-token: "xoxb-12345-abdcefghi" module: opsdroid.connector.slack ``` You can then select one connector or the other by using opsdroid's method `get_connector()`. For example: ```python # Use 'slack-two' connector slack_two = opsdroid.get_connector("slack-two") ```