
Configuring opsdroid

In order to enable wit.ai skills, you must specify an token for your bot in the parsers section of the opsdroid configuration file. You can find this token in the settings of your App under the name: 'Server Access Token: '.

You can also set a min-score option to tell opsdroid to ignore any matches which score less than a given number between 0 and 1. The default for this is 0 which will match all messages.

    token: XJF475SKGITJ98KHFO
    min-score: 0.6

wit.ai is an NLP API for matching strings to intents. Intents are created on the wit.ai website.

… py:function:: match_witai(intent)



Return wit.ai intent match decorator.

Decorator that calls a function on specific wit.ai intents.

type intent:
param intent:

wit.ai intent name

type intent:



Decorated Function

[Example 1]

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_witai

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def weather(self, message):
        """Hard Coded version of weather function"""
        temp = 10
        humidity = "80%"
        city = message.witai['entities']['location'][0]['value']
        status = "Clouds"

        await message.respond("It's currently {} degrees, {}% humidity in {} and {} is forecasted "
                              "for today".format(temp, humidity, city, status))

The above skill would be called on any intent which has a name of 'get_weather'.

Usage example

user: what’s the weather like in London

opsdroid: It’s currently 13.12 degrees, 67% humidity in London and Rain is forecasted for today

Creating a wit.ai App

You need to register on wit.ai and create an App in order to use wit.ai with opsdroid.

You can find a quick getting started with the wit.ai guide here.

If you want to use wit.ai in a different language other than English, all you need to do is change the language of your app located in the app settings.

Message object additional parameters


An http response object which has been returned by the wit.ai API. This allows you to access any information from the matched intent including other entities, intents, values, etc.

Example Skill

from opsdroid.skill import Skill
from opsdroid.matchers import match_witai

import json

class MySkill(Skill):
    async def dumpResponse(self, message):

Return Value on “How’s the weather?”

The example skill will print the following on the message “how’s the weather?”.

  "msg_id": "0zTl3L16kFW4PwtSt",
  "_text": "how's the weather",
  "entities": {
     "intent": [
         "confidence": 0.77586417870417,
         "value": "get_weather"

Return Value on “What’s the weather like in London?”

The example skill will print the following on the message “What’s the weather like in London?”.

   "msg_id": "0zrCQ5LEkWd0MoHYM",
   "_text": "What's the weather like in London?",
   "entities": {
      "location": [
          "suggested": true,
          "confidence": 0.74044071131585,
          "value": "London",
          "type": "value"
      "intent": [
          "confidence": 0.99979499373014,
          "value": "get_weather"

Since Wit.ai can recognise locations, you can use this values on your skills to return different things. On our weather skill(example 1) we changed the city param to get the temperature related to any city passed on the message.